CLV P-Chain Integration

Evm Chain Information

Clover P-Chain is an EVM-compatible network which means ecosystem partners can use the standard web3 protocol to integrate with CLV P-Chain.

The Chain Id of CLV P-Chain is 1024 (0x400 in hex).

The minimum accepted gas price is 50 Gwei currently, please make sure to the gas price is no less than 50Gwei to send a transaction.

Public RPC endpoints

Below are a list of public RPC endpoints for CLV P-Chain.

Self-hosted RPC nodes

Hardware requirements


CLV provides a docker image to help setting up a self-hosted rpc node. Below is a sample compose file for reference(which uses the 20194 port as the rpc port.)

version: "3.3"
services:  clover-bootnode:
    image: "cloverio/clover-para:polkadot-v0.9.16.1"
    restart: always
      - /opt/clover/bin/clover
      - --parachain-id
      - "2002"
      - --chain
      -  /opt/specs/clover-para-raw.json
      - --base-path
      - /opt/chaindata
      - --bootnodes
      - /dns/
      - /dns/
      - --pruning
      - 2000   # adjust the max blocks to keep, use "archive" if you want keep all blocks
      - --ws-port
      - "9946"
      - --rpc-port
      - "20194"
      - --port
      - "40335"
      - "--rpc-cors=all"
      - --rpc-external
      - --ws-external
      - --ethapi
      - debug,trace
      - --execution
      - wasm
      - --max-runtime-instances
      - "128"
      - --ws-max-connections
      - "5000"
      - --
      - --execution
      - wasm
      - --ws-port
      - "10194"
      - --rpc-port
      - "10195"
      - --chain
      - polkadot
      - --port
      - "30335"
      - "9946:9946"
      - "20194:20194"
      - "40335:40335"
      - "30335:30335"
      - /data/data/chains/bootnode:/opt/chaindata
      - /data/data/config:/opt/config
       driver: "json-file"
          max-size: "25m"
          max-file: "2"

Last updated