dApp Interaction Protocol

CLV extension wallet implemented a brand-new dApp interaction protocol, it can support multiple active blockchains. dApps can use the above protocol to interact with different blockchains, without the need to switch between them!


In order to show how CLV extension wallet interacts with multiple active blockchains, we build a demo at: https://wallet-demo.clover.finance/

1. Install CLV Extension Wallet

In order to play with the demo, you need to install CLV extension wallet, and make sure the version is above 2.5.0. Then connect with your wallet:

2. Sign Message with Different Blockchains

You can click "Sign with Ethereum", it will invoke CLV intension wallet to interact with Ethereum chain:

You can click "Sign with BSC", it will invoke CLV intension wallet to interact with BSC:

You can click "Sign with Polkadot", it will invoke CLV intension wallet to interact with Polkadot:


Please refer to our the code repo of the demo: https://github.com/clover-network/clover-multichain-wallet-demo

Last updated