Running a validator on Clover Network

This guide will instruct you how to set up a Clover validator node on Clover networks (Testnet/Sakura/Mainnet).

πŸ‘‰ Must Read Before Start....

Running a validator is a serious thing, you have a lot responsibility for the staked tokens of you and nominators. You take the risk of losing your staked tokens as a slash might happen if your validator node is not properly configured. Please make sure you or your team have the necessary knowledge to run a validator node.

Polkadot Wiki has an awesome introduction of running a validator node on the Polkadot network. As a member of the Polkadot ecosystem, Clover follows the similar process to run and setup a validator node. We may skip some basics steps in this tutorial.

πŸ› οΈ Hardware Requirements

  • CPU - Recent released high end cpu, e.g. Intel 10700/Amd 5800X.

  • Memory - 32GB for Testnet, 64GB for Sakura and Mainnet.

  • Storage - 300GB SSD, Storage usage could increase by time, you might need to increase the capacity as the chain data grows..

  • OS: Linux, Debian/Ubuntu LTS distributions are recommended.

πŸ”§ Prepare Environment

We'll use docker and docker-compose to run the validator in this guide. You need to install docker and docker-compose firstly. Please follow the installation guide in the docs.

We're using docker to simplify the setup process. You can use the tools which you're familiar with.

πŸ›°οΈ Firewall Setup

Below ports need to be exposed:

  • 30333 - The p2p port of the chain

πŸ“ Create Directories

Create the config and data directories using below command:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/data/
sudo mkdir -p /opt/compose/
# secure the data access
sudo chmod 0700 /opt/data
sudo chmod 0700 /opt/compose 

βš™οΈ Setup Clover Validator Node

Currently we only have Clover Testnet(iris) and Clover Mainnet(ivy) launched. Clover Testnet opens for validators to join. Clover Mainnet operates in the POA mode and maintained by 6 nodes belongs to Clover foundation.

Validator Configuration for Clover Mainnet will be updated later once it's ready for staking and validators can join.

πŸ“ Create the Compose configure file

Create /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml and set the content as below:

version: "3.8"
    image: "cloverio/clover-ivy:0.1.16"
    restart: always
      - /opt/clover/bin/clover
      - --chain 
      - /opt/specs/clover-ivy.json  
      - --base-path 
      - /opt/chaindata
      - --validator
      - --name 
      - πŸ€clover-validatornode
      - --port 
      - "30333"
      - --ws-port 
      - "9944"
      - --rpc-port 
      - "9933"
      - --rpc-cors=all 
      - --execution
      - wasm
      - "30333:30333"
      - "9933:9933"
      - "9944:9944"
      - /opt/data/clover:/opt/chaindata

You can edit the docker-compose.yaml and include your customizations by updating below arguments:

  • image: the docker image used to launch the node, for Clover mainnet, use cloverio/clover-ivy:0.1.16.For a full list of clover networks please check out the Clover Network List page.

  • --name: The node name of your validator, the name could be found in the telemetry node list.

  • --unsafe-rpc-external: You might need this flag to call the author_rotateKeys api, make sure to remove this flag later on for better security.

  • Ensure enable the --exeuction wasm flag, This is required for all validator nodes.

πŸš€ Bring up the validator node

Use below command to bring up the validator node:

cd /opt/compose # goto the compose file directory
docker-compose up # bring up the validator node in the foreground
## check whether the node starts up normally
## Ctrl-C stop the node
docker-compose up -d # start the validator node in the daemon mode.

You need to check the node logs using docker-compose logs command. Wait until the node is synced and the block numbers syncs with the latest number on the chain.

πŸ’Ή Bond CLV

Checkout Staking documentation.

πŸ—οΈ Set the session keys

Checkout Polkadot Session Keys documentation.

🌠 Validate

Checkout Polkadot Validate documentation.

Last updated