Clover Extension Wallet injected into web pages a varible, which named 'clover'. DApp developer could integrate with the wallet with window.clover. Below snippet shows how to use it to interact between dapp and the wallet.
const example = async () => {
// connect to wallet and get accounts
const accounts = await window.clover.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })
// the first account is the selected account
const currAccount = accounts[0]
// get chain id
const chainId = await window.clover.request({ method: 'eth_chainId' });
const transactionParameters = {
nonce: '0x05',
gasPrice: '0x3e95ba80', // could set by user
gas: '0x2710', // could set by user
to: '0x66cb476bdbd6b55804644072255a1156e6977b23',
from: currAccount,
value: '0x2386f26fc10000',
chainId: chainId,
const txHash = await window.clover.request({
method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
params: [transactionParameters],
const handleAccountsChanged = async (accounts) => {
// here could set current account with accounts[0]
window.clover.on('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged);
Integrated with web3-react
First, install clover connector as dependency to your project:
npm i @clover-network/clover-connector
yarn add @clover-network/clover-connector
Second, Web3ReactProvider and getLibrary should be used as provider as below: